* Ongoing research topics in cosmology
I study cosmic inflation, dark matter and dark energy from both theoretical and observational approaches: model building, phenomenological forecasting, observational testing and analysis tool developing. I am also involved in some experimental studies as a member of LiteBIRD, a JAXA-led international mission to measure the cosmic microwave background (CMB).
- Cosmic neutrinos (masses, effective number, chemical potential)
- Statistics of cosmic observables (CMB anisotropies, CMB distortions, galaxies, 21-cm anisotropies, gravitational waves, ...)
- Inflationary models involving axions, gauge fields and higher spin fields
- Cosmic anomalies (anisotropy, inhomogeneity, parity violation, non-Gaussianity)
- Primordial gravitational waves / gravitons
- Dark matter search
- Data analysis and apparatus development in Planck and LiteBIRD
* Other specific interests
- Astrobiology
- AI cosmology
* Ongoing scientific collaborations
* Research achievements